Idaho Administrative Code-
2020 C1 Archive
Alphabetical Index of the State Agencies and IDAPA Designations. The agency rules are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Please see our page about PDFs for links to reader software download sites and trouble shooting tips.
- Executive Orders
- House Concurrent Resolutions (2020 Session)
- Senate Concurrent Resolutions (2020 Session)
- Agriculture, Department of (02)
- Arts, Idaho Commission on the (40)
- Athletic Commission, State (03)
- Attorney General, Office of the (04)
- Career Technical Education, Division of (55)
- Commerce, Department of (28)
- Correction, Department of (06)
- Education, Board of and Department of (08)
- Endowment Fund Investment Board (32)
- Engineers & Land Surveyors, Board of Professional (10)
- Environmental Quality, Department of (58)
- Geologists, Board of Registration of Professional (14)
- Grape Growers and Wine Producers Commission, Idaho (48)
(Wine Commission)
- Health Districts, Public (41)
- Health and Welfare, Department of (16)
- Human Rights Commission, Idaho (45)
- Labor, Department of (09)
- Lands, Department of (20)
- Libraries, Idaho Commission for (30)
- Lottery Commission, Idaho State (52)
- Pardons and Parole, Commission of (50)
- Parks and Recreation, Department of (26)
- PERSI (Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho) (59)
- Pharmacy, Board of (27)
- Potato Commission, Idaho (29)
- Public Defense Commission, State (61)
- Public Utilities Commission (31)
- Secretary of State (34)
- Sexual Offender Management Board (57)
- Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Idaho State (60)
- Tax Appeals, Idaho Board of (36)
- Tax Commission, State (35)
- Transportation, Department of (39)
- Treasurer, Office of the State (54)